The Youth Community

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This site is made with the blessing of the Dean of St. Nicholas Brotherly Church,         town Brest,  Archpriest   Piotr Romanovich.

The Youth Community

ok[1] The Orthodox Youth Society in  Honour of Nicholas the Consecrator attached to the St. Nicholas Brotherly Church in the town Brest.


IMG_6055 The history of the existence of the Byelorussian Orthodox tradition numbers not one thousand years. Not the least of the roles in the development and strengthening of the Orthodox faith at the territory of our Republic have been playing different Orthodox institutions and communities. One of the biggest communities that existed at the territory of the modern Belarus was the Brest Orthodox Community in Honour of Nicholas the Consecrator that was founded in 1952 at the Synod Nicholas Church in Brest.

Understanding and realizing a great contribution of the Orthodox communities and unions to the history of a church and a state, on 11th November, 2006, with the blessing of the Brest and Kobrin bishop Joann there were opened “The Orthodox Youth Society in Honour of Nicholas the Consecrator” attached to the St. Nicholas Brotherly Church in Brest. The Society is headed by Romanovich Pavel Pietrovich, who is graduated from the Minsk Theological Seminary and Academy (now he is a chairman of the Orthodox Youth Society in Honour of Nicholas the Consecrator). The students of the high schools, the pupils of the secondary schools and other educational institutions are the members of the society.



From the very first day of the foundation of our Youth Orthodox organization there have been realized lectures and discussions on Holy Writ of the Old and New Testaments, Catechism and the Principles of the Orthodox Liturgy, and discussions about the actual problems of a church and a state, and specifically about the life of the Orthodox youth. The lessons take place twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays.


In continuation of the tradition and taking into account the experience of the former communities and organizations we in our activity have put the following purposes in front of us: first of all – to unite the youth in Jesus and Church. And the last but not the less importance purpose is the attracting of the youth to the missionary-enlightener activity that is aimed at the spreading of the Orthodox faith in the society.


In this direction we have already established contact with some state social organizations such as:

P1011149Help to the Brest Sight Disabled Persons Society on home delivery of books and tape reels.


       Also we have close contacts with the Orthodox Youth Organizations of the churches in Brest: St. Resurrection’s Youth Society, St. Simeon’s Cathedral Community, etc. During the short history of the existence of our Youth Society we have realized a great number of the mutual arrangements and journeys.


Having proceeded from our purposes we have put the following tasks for their realization in future:


1.  Publishing and spreading Orthodox Youth leaflet with the help of students of different faculties of pedagogical and technical high schools that are members of our Orthodox Youth Organization.


DSCN94842. Establishing and maintaining contacts with Byelorussian and foreign Orthodox communities and societies. With this purpose we have organized a journey to Minsk to taking part in the rally of Byelorussian Orthodox Youth. It has been realized with the blessing of Metropolitan Filaret and with the participation of Grodno Bishop Arthemiy. Of course, it’s worth to underline that intercourse with other Orthodox organizations has a great value for us, and this experience just strengthen us in a thought of a right choice of our path.





3. Realizing of the common useful heartfelt rest with the organizing ofholiday youth parties, walking tours to the countryside, sports arrangements and viewing of sacred and secular video-films, common celebrating of the name-days and organizing of the pilgrim tours along the Saint places. 






4. Realizing of the recitals and readings, performances and matinees. In our social activity as a very important thing we see the maintaining order and equipping with services and utilities at the Church and its territory. Some of our brothers with the blessing of the bishop in service perform the obedience at the candlesticks, sing in the chorus and at the choir, ennoble the territory.


Our meetings take part

every Wednesday at 7.15 p.m.

every Sunday at 6.20 p.m.


Young boys and girls! We’ll be glad to see You among us!

We are waiting for You!!!

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